We have made it through the worst of the winter, Now it is time to start gearing up for the season kick off of Speckled Trout!
One of the most sought after species we target here in the Chesapeake Bay, the Speckled Trout is a fun aggressive fish that moves into the shallows mid April in search of food in the warming waters. Most of the early Specs we catch have actually wintered over right here in our home waters. It is not uncommon to see specs this time of year ranging from 24-30 inches! That makes us a top destination to catch citation worthy fish daily.
Speckled Trout like to hunt in clean, clear water near structure and along large shallow grass flats picking off food as it sweeps by in the current or passes through pockets in grass beds. Here in the mid-lower bay we have the perfect habitat to target them. Fishing remote islands with countless current rips around dated failed shoreline erosion controls efforts that have now turned into fishing havens produces large healthy Speckles trout. From there we have miles of food rich grass flats where we will find pockets of feeding specs willing to eat swim baits fished alone or worked under a popping cork.
March is on its way out and waters are steadily warming, setting up the perfect conditions to kick off our Speckled trout season. Give me a call to get your trip set and check a citation Spec off your bucket list!
Captain Cole Langley
Desperate Measures Guide Service